day 3 - Reisverslag uit Rome, Italië van Mitchel Haeve - day 3 - Reisverslag uit Rome, Italië van Mitchel Haeve -

day 3

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Mitchel

08 Maart 2014 | Italië, Rome

Today was a long day. Me and Thomas went sightseeing in Rome, so we thought it would be a good idea to stand up earlier to visit everything. We had some breakfast and we went pretty soon after that. We first went to see the Piazza Navona, where we ate something. We went walking towards the Pantheon, and that was awesome to see. The dimensions were incredible in the time they were build, and they still are! We went in the Pantheon, to see the massive hole in the roof. People here don't understand where it came from or why it was build this way, but it was amazing to see. We chatted a bit as we walked towards the next sightseeing in Rome, the Trevi Fountain. It was crowded, but we managed to get to the front of the fountain to throw a coin in there for good luck. Apparently everybody does that when they see the fountain, so we did that as well. We relaxed there for a minute and drank something. Thomas thought it would be a pretty cool idea to get a real Italian ice cream, one of the best I have ever eaten for sure. There were over 150 kinds of ice cream to choose from, so the decision was pretty hard. When we finally decided what flavor take, we went on with our trip, this time to the old ruins of Rome. You could see a lot of the history of Rome in just one glimpse of an eye, and Thomas told me something about it. We made some pictures before we walked to the grand finale, the Colloseum. We had bad luck, as it not only started to rain a bit, but the Colloseum was being renovated as well. We couldn't take any pictures from the place you normally take pictures of the Colloseum, as your picture would only consist out of scaffoldings. We went back to his place after that. We played a really fun soccer game, and laughed because none of us could beat the game. Later that evening Geertje invited over some friends of her for dinner. We talked about the culture differences and so on. After dinner, Geertje thought it would be nice if I, Thomas and Lisa went out, so we did and went to Piazza san Cosimato, where we went to a cinema that was being captured by activists and turned into a night club. I thought that was just a strange myth or something, but as we went in, I saw the chairs and the big screen still hanging the way it was supposed to be in a cinema. Thomas told me that it had been this discotheque for years already, and the police did nothing about it. When we finally went home, it was half past three and we were tired. We immediately went to bed. So anyway, I am having fun here. Everybody is nice and I can get along with Geertje, Gertruud and Thomas. So that was it for today, we probably go to see St. Peter's square tomorrow up close, so I am excited.

  • 09 Maart 2014 - 17:01


    Dat was inderdaad een hele lange, drukke maar zo te lezen ook een hele leuke dag. Fijn dat het allemaal zo goed gaat. Ook met Geertje, Thomas en Gertruud. Zo te lezen verwennen ze je goed. Dat wordt weer afkikken thuis van al dat lekkere eten, haha.....Bedank ze maar namens ons voor alle goede zorgen, want nu we weten dat je het goed naar je zin hebt is dat voor ons een hele zorg minder.
    Dikke knuffel voor iedereen daar.

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My journey will take place from the 6th of marth until the 12th of march. I am going to Rome, where I will help out with research and innovation projects.

Actief sinds 16 Feb. 2014
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06 Maart 2014 - 12 Maart 2014

My first journey

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