day 7 - Reisverslag uit Rome, Italië van Mitchel Haeve - day 7 - Reisverslag uit Rome, Italië van Mitchel Haeve -

day 7

Blijf op de hoogte en volg Mitchel

12 Maart 2014 | Italië, Rome

The last day, time to go home again. I had a very good time in Rome so it was hard to leave. I slept until 9AM before I got up to get ready. I packed my bag and ate some lunch. We talked a bit outside as it was really nice weather. Then it was time to go. Eleonora could just make it so we waited for her and then left with the three of us. Geertje dropped Eleonora and me off at the airport so we could go and check in. I thanked Geertje for her hospitality and Eleonora showed me the way, as she regularly flies at Fiumicino. I said goodbye to her as well and went to my airplane. We had some delay but everything went fine. I collected my luggage again. My dad was waiting for me outside the gate, he asked me how everything went and I told him everything. He had also been reading my weblog so he already knew most of it. After about two hours we went to the Mac Donald’s to eat, not being really hungry, as I ate a lot of nice stuff the last week. Not much later I arrived home. My mom and grandma were glad to see me again.
So I would say my internship went smoothly. I learned a lot, met new people and had fun with everybody. It is sad that I had to leave this early because Geertje is a stewardess, but it was definitely awesome. I saw a lot of the city and I would advise everybody that is able to go to Rome for their internship to certainly do so. I want to thank Geertje, Thomas, Alfredo, Eleonora, Gertruud and everybody else that was this nice to me. It certainly was an amazing experience, and if I ever have the choice, I would go back to Rome without a doubt.

  • 12 Maart 2014 - 23:12


    Hallo Mitchel

    Even vertellen dat ik het leuk vond jou verhalen te horen
    en foto"s te zien en dat jij het zo fijn hebt gehad bij Geertje
    Alfredo en kids.
    En ook op je werk bij Gertruud.
    Fijn te horen dat alles zo goed is verlopen.
    En je kunt terug kijken op een hele fijne week.

    Groetjes liefs Oma xxx

  • 08 December 2015 - 15:45

    Peter Smulders:

    wanne homo jonge

Reageer op dit reisverslag

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My journey will take place from the 6th of marth until the 12th of march. I am going to Rome, where I will help out with research and innovation projects.

Actief sinds 16 Feb. 2014
Verslag gelezen: 1264
Totaal aantal bezoekers 3588

Voorgaande reizen:

06 Maart 2014 - 12 Maart 2014

My first journey

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